Our Auto Accident Specialties
What happens after an automobile accident? After the initial shock has worn off and the pain has really set in? Whom do you turn to? What should you do? The first thing you should do is call Hockersmith Gentle Touch Chiropractic and Massage in Orem.
We offer specialized treatments for our automobile accident victims. Our services are tailored to fit your individual needs. Our job is to get you back on your feet without surgery and harmful medications.
Herniated Discs
Auto Injury Pain
Whiplash Injuries
Low Back Pain
Upper Back Pain
Neck Pain
Arm Pain
Leg Pain
Treat Your Symptoms Early
Some experience symptoms arising from injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents immediately following the accident, but that is not the case for everyone.
Research and clinic experience now demonstrate that a delay in symptom onset is very common as well.
Be aware that any delays in symptoms do not eliminate the possibility of severe injury.
It is always smart to take procaution. Gentle Touch Chiropractic is very experienced in caring for auto accident patients and accepts most insurance companies.
of individuals remained symptomatic six months after their accidenthappened.

Free Initial Exam
Spinal Exam
Stress Massage
Some of our great services include:
Laser Light Therapy
Spinal Aid Disc Decompression
Physical Therapy
Heat Therapy
Stress Relief Massages
Sports Injury Massages